Sunday 14 April 2013



Boys Do Cry
We all know that men cry less than women, but men are actually more prone to tears as they age. A Dutch researcher said that it may be due to "altruism, camaraderie, and issues of morality". Key Ingredients of Tears
Have you ever wondered what tears are made of besides water? There are three layers to the tear film coating the eye that creates tears -- the lipid layer (oils), the aqueous layer (water), and the mucous layer (mucin).

The Origin of Tears
Our tears come from a specific place -- the lacrimal glads. These peanut-shell-shaped glands on the outer portion of our eyes create and secrete tears, allowing us to shed a few when we get emotional.

Cultural Crying
Research shows that newborns around the globe come into the world crying in the same manner, but just as there are linguistic differences in different cultures, babies learn to cry differently in different cultures.

No Love For the Girls
If you're boyfriend was turned off by your crying, don't feel bad -- there's a scientific reason for this. When women cry from sadness, men detect a unique chemical component that discourages them from feeling sexually aroused.

Tears and Money
A Dutch researcher discovered that women in wealthier, Western economies cry much more than women in poorer countries where they have fewer rights. Talk about shifting perspectives!

Three kinds
There are actually three kinds of tears –
Basal tears, which clean and lubricate your eyes;
Reflex tears, which drain when your eyes are irritated by things like onions or pollen; and
Emotional tears, the ones we all know best.

Research shows that some people are indeed more prone to crying than others! For example, those with the empathy gene are more likely to detect and relate to the suffering of others and cry more frequently.

Evolutionary Tears
Some researchers believe that humans may have evolved tears to do more than just protect our eyes. Evolution may have givenus tears as a tool to protect us from predators by making it harder for them to tell where we were gazing.

A Good Cry
There is such a thing as a good cry. Depending on where you do it, when you do it, and with whom you do it, you can feel much better after crying. It's not always a bad thing.

Babies do it best
Have you ever wondered how often babies actually cry? Parents typically overestimate, but babies do cry for about 1to 3 hours a day. Imagine having crying as a part time job -- and that's pretty much the life of an infant.

Involuntary Tears
In certain neurological conditions, crying and laughing can happen uncontrollably.
PLC -- pathological laughing and crying -- can appear as a symptom of a stroke, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig's disease.

Mr. Sniffles
Tears usually drain through the tear ducts from the corners of your eyelids, which leads to the nasal cavity where -- if there's an overflow of tears -- the tears then start running out of your nose, leading to a sniffly nose when you cry.

Clearer Vision
Tears flow from our eyes even when we're not crying -- literally with every blink. They moisten our eyes and help maintain healthy vision by clearing our eyes of debris and they allow light into our vision !

Changing History
Historically speaking, men haven't exactly always been known to cry less than women. In fact, researchers can trace the change in the social dynamics behind crying to the industrial revolution, when male factory workers were discouraged from letting their emotions affect factory productivity.

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